David Murphy

President, since 1997 • Founder of David Murphy et Cie

David has nearly thirty years of experience in copyright management. Always proactive, he represents and defends the interests of his clients in order to increase the value of their assets and collect what is owed to them. He fuels their thinking by acting as a strategic advisor.

Mélanie Fuller

Executive Manager, since 1997 • Cofounder of David Murphy et Cie
Privacy Officer

Business partner and David’s collaborator since day 1, Mélanie is actively involved in the company’s business decisions.
She is responsible for the administration and management of human resources.

Maxime Bissonnet

Audiovisual Service Coordinator, since 2024

Maxime is the central point of communications for our audiovisual clients. It collects, collates and validates all information relating to the directories and exploitation of audiovisual works represented by the company. He is also responsible for links with audiovisual rights management companies.
With around twenty years of experience within an audiovisual production/publishing company established in France, his knowledge judiciously guides our clients.

Rolland Forest

Distribution and Billing Agent, since 2021

With a rich and diversified background and a degree in Business Administration, Rolland collects and processes data to ensure an accurate distribution of royalties to right holders.
He also prepares the billing for the various revenues for our clients.

Isabelle Gagnon

License and Concert Agent, since 2021

Isabelle holds a master’s degree in clarinet interpretation and has a keen interest in music and general culture.
She works closely with Valérie in the processing of synchronization licenses.
She is also responsible for obtaining information about the works played in concerts and for making the declarations to the copyright societies concerned.

Valérie Gauthier

Rights and Contracts Manager, since 2015

Based in Quebec since 2014, Valérie holds a Master’s degree in Law obtained in Switzerland at the University of Neuchâtel.
She is the main negotiator of contracts (publishing, co-publishing, sub-publishing) and synchronization licenses.

Tanya Molloy

Data Processing Agent, since 2024

Tanya’s versatility allows her to help each member of the team. She performs a variety of tasks: from identifying duplicate works to searching for unidentified works, including exporting and processing audio recognition files as well as verifying and validating sent files by customers, etc.
With a bachelor’s degree in communications, marketing, film and media, Tanya is dedicated and fully qualified to carry out her responsibilities.

Dominique St-Cyr

Music Service Coordinator, since 2013

Dominique is the central point of communication for our music clients. She collects, collates and validates all information related to the repertoires and exploitations of the musical works represented. She is also responsible for the links with the copyright societies.
Graphic designer in another life, she has the artistic assets to keep the company’s website up to date.


Collection Agent, since 2023

Lulu brightens up our days with her contagious good humor!


Data Management App, since 2012

Wippi is the name of a creature that is said to be swimming in the waters of the Massawippi (“great deep lake” in Abénakis), a lake located in the Eastern Townships, near the headquarters of David Murphy et Cie.
Just like the creature, always looking for food in the smallest crevices and underwater caves of the “great deep lake”, our Wippi feeds in the remotest corners of oceans of data, to extract all its riches. Metadata and Big Data are his favourite dishes. As a trawler capturing fish in its nets, WiPPi casts a wide net and collects huge amounts of data. Wippi then analyzes this data and all royalties are extracted from it.
The “beast”, as its colleagues call it, is a loyal and faithful creature, on whom one can always count.

Collect what you are owed.

« Nous offrons des contrats de courte durée. Et nos clients renouvellent leurs contrats. Pour conserver leur loyauté, nous devons générer davantage de bénéfices que le coût de nos services. Et, on doit le faire mieux et plus rapidement que quiconque. »

- David Murphy
